How Al-Anon Works for Families and Friends of Alcoholics How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics opens wide the door to a remarkable fellowship of courageous men and women who have experienced the sometimes subtle, but nonetheless devastating effects of another's alcoholism. It invites us in to see how Al-Anon helps families of alcoholics to overcome even the most negative aspects of their lives and, in turn, extend hope and help to others.This is the essential book on Al-Anon Family Groups. It answers every question we might think to ask including, "Can Al-Anon help me?"
Having Had a Spiritual Awakening This beautiful book features member sharings, photographs, and artwork from around the globe, reflecting the diversity of Al‑Anon members' spiritual experiences. Long out of print, Having Had a Spiritual Awakening… is now available exclusively as an e-book.
Alateen Hope for Children of Alcoholics Basic introductory book for teens affected by someone else's drinking. Easy-to-understand explanation of alcoholism and the Alateen program. Indexed. 128 pages.